

Do you make gluten-free pasta?

At the moment, no. I still haven’t found a replacement for gluten that I like. If I crack the case, I’ll be sure to let you know!


Is your pasta fresh or frozen?

Indeed to both! It’s freshly frozen within minutes of being shaped or stamped or folded or cut. So the pasta I sell is never dried or dehydrated. All my Pasta Lists have been sold freshly frozen so that you can store them for long periods. Always cook your pasta from frozen, do not thaw it. For same day pasta orders, visit my Custom Orders page.


Do you sell your pasta photos?

Yes indeed. Get in touch if you’re interested in purchasing or displaying photos of my pasta as artwork.


Do you use food colouring?

Nope. All my colours are made from spices like turmeric or paprika, or veggies like parsley and kale, or fruits like blueberries. Sometimes I use health foods like activated charcoal or spirulina (which is basically algae so maybe that’s a veg?). Or even flowers like butterfly pea flowers.


Do you ship your pasta outside of Edmonton?

As it stands my pasta is available in Edmonton only. I have been known to bring a few special packages to Calgary and I have made a trek to Tofino to cook pasta on a beach so traveling to a place and making delicious pasta is not out of the question… but shipping it from Edmonton to somewhere isn’t possible at the moment. My pasta is fresh and has never been dried which makes traveling with it a bit of a puzzle. If this changes I will let you know!


Can you make vegan pasta?

Most definitely. Certain colours and certain shapes are better suited for eggless dough, so get in touch if your cravings lean towards the vegan variety.


Do colourful noodles stay vibrant?

It depends. Absolutely the colours change during their salty boiling bath. They absorb water as they cook and this will dilute certain colours (usually the case with certain blues) and others will pop (usually the case with black). You can be sure to have a bowl full of colour whether you’ve purchased dough from me and are making your own noodles or you’ve received your Pasta List order and are boiling up a freshly frozen batch of ravioli. This may go without saying but over cooking pasta will result in dimmer colours. The most vibrant pasta is cooked the same day it’s made. For same day pasta orders, visit my Custom Orders page.


Do you teach classes or workshops?

I’m becoming more and more interested in teaching. To date, I’ve taught small groups at dinner parties in person and over Zoom. I’ve also taught a few cooking classes to junior high school students. Best to reach out to me and brief me on what you’ve got in mind. I enjoy teaching with tools and without so if you haven’t a drawer full of pasta tools, don’t worry.


What does pastaia mean?

I am a pastaia. Meaning I am a woman who makes pasta. I make it with and without tools. By using the phrase ‘pastaia practice’ I am expressing my philosophy surrounding making pasta. Like many disciplines, a practice employs many techniques, draws from a history and geography of different lands and peoples, and is something that a person engages with day to day.


Is there anywhere you sell your pasta outside of your Pasta Lists and Custom Ordering?

Stir catering does sell my Whipped Ricotta Ravioli. You can find it in the carbs section of Zana’s online shop. I am looking at opportunities like markets and expanding my colourful operation. If there’s any news on this, I’ll be sure to let you know!